Volvo FMX 460 Emelőhorgos

It costs 67300 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of VOLVO FMX 460 Hook lift truck.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

This piece of special equipment was produced in 2011.

Engine/driveline: diesel, displacement: 12780 cc, 452 hp, gearbox: automatic.

Chassis configuration: suspension: spring/air, 8x4, 4-axle, ABS.

Cab design: cab type: sleeper cab, additional lights, power windows, electric mirrors, central lock, air conditioner, power steering, driver pneumatic seat, radio, CD, board computer.

Body: body: Multilift.

Transport dimensions: length – 5800, width – , height – .

Mileage: 390000 km.

The parking site is in Budapest, Hungary.

Contact our sales department regarding purchase details.

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Laslo Truck

Hungary, Central Hungary, 1186. Budapest , Zádor utca 2.