Mercedes ACTROS 2646 L-MP3

The current price is 35900 Euro.

The detailed specification of MERCEDES-BENZ Actros 2646 Hook lift truck is provided below.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The production year is 2011.

The gross weight is 26000 kg.

The details on engine output, gearbox and emission class are as follows: Euro 5, diesel, 460 hp, gearbox: automatic, transmission: Automatique.

Chassis configuration: 6x2, 3-axle, rear tires: Essieu 1 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 26%-50% 26%-50% Dimension: 315/80R23,5 Essieu 2 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 51%-75% 51%-75% Dimension: 315/80R22,5 Essieu 3 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 51%-75% 51%-75% Dimension: 315/80R22,5.

Cab design: power windows, air conditioner.

The mileage is 232342 km.

The vehicle is located in Belgium.

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Handzaamse Nieuwstraat 7, BE-8610 Handzame, Belgium